duck-shaped pain

26 February 2001
Minty Fresh

It has to be a good day today, since I am in possession of two of the four major cookie food groups: Thin Mints and Samoas.

I decided yesterday afternoon that the old design had sat around too long, and it was time for something new. And this is what I came up with. I usually have a pretty clear idea of what I want to do before I redesign the site, but I didn't this time. I just messed around with colors and the like until something useable came out of it. Not sure if I'm completely satisfied with it, though, so don't be surprised if something new pops up sooner than later.

Gill Sans, though. King of fonts. Any excuse to use it is a good excuse, even if you're technically using Bitstream Humanist 521. Close enough.

Response to the trip announcement has been varied. Most of it good, but several have been surprised. Most of the controversy arises over the fact that I'm making the trip solo. My aunt couldn't believe that I would actually just pick up and go somewhere by myself for awhile. I can't think of any other way I'd want to go, though. It means you don't have to put up with other people's crap for a couple of days -- a welcome respite.

Nine books to mail off this morning. Ever since I did a major book inventory and ended up adding 50+ of them to my inventory (plus lowering the prices of things I already had listed), the books have been, relatively, flying out of here. 40 sales in three weeks is a lot of trips to the post office, and means too much interaction with the Stop Book Rate Mail Abuse woman.

I now own khaki pants. They were on sale. Someone shoot me.

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